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Risky Business: Invasive species management on National Forests
A review and summary of needed changes in current plans, policies
and programs
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Biological Invasions of Alien Plants in the Interior Columbia River Basin
by George Wooten and Peter Morrison, Methow Research Station, Sierra Biodiversity
Institute, February, 1995
(Excerpted from Key Elements for Ecological Planning: Management
Principles, Recommendations, and Guidelines for Federal Lands East of the
Cascade Crest in Oregon and Washington, a report to the Interior Columbia
Basin Ecosystem Management Project, Cara Nelson, ed., Columbia River Bioregion
Campaign, Science Working Group, 41 S. Palouse St., Walla Walla, WA 99362,
May 19, 1995. The authors can be contacted at Pacific Biodiversity Institute,
Winthrop, WA 98862, ph. 509-996-2490).
Biological invasions of alien plants present one of the most serious
threats to long-term maintenance of ecosystem health and biodiversity (Westman,
1990, Tyser and Key, 1988, Mack, 1986, 1981) in the interior Columbia River
basin (ICRB). Invasion and colonization by alien plants reduces the health
and integrity of ecosystems in many ways. These invasions degrade resource
values (Bucher, 1984, Pimental, 1986), alter ecosystem processes (Walker
and Vitousek, 1991, Verstraete and Schwartz, 1991, Melgoza et. al., 1990),
affect trophic levels (Vitousek et. al., 1987, Kerpez and Smith, 1987,
Harty, 1986), and can lead to endangerment and extinction of native species
(Flather, 1994, Parenti and Guerrant, 1991). Interspecific interactions
between native and introduced species adversely affect more than 50% of
all threatened and endangered species in the United States (Flather, 1994).
This is the second most important cause of species endangerment (after
habitat loss). Given these impacts, prevention and control of alien plant
invasions should be integral to ecosystem management policies in the ICRB.
In most cases, biological invasions occur gradually and inconspicuously.
By the time that public awareness develops, the effects are often irreversible
and resources may be irretrievably committed, productivity lowered and
biodiversity reduced (USDI-BLM, 1994). Land management agencies have made
some efforts to control a certain class of biological invaders (noxious
weeds), but have never seriously addressed the causes of biological invasions
or understood the depth and extent of this problem. Control of invading
plants has proven to be difficult, expensive and often ineffectual (Warnock
and Lewis, 1980). Land management agencies should emphasize prevention
of invasion rather than control of established invaders (USDI-BLM, 1994).
Prevent further invasion of alien plants into uncolonized areas in the
Increase education and awareness about biological invasions of alien plants.
Revise federal land management policies to emphasize prevention of invasion
rather than control of invaders.
Revise or eliminate land management practices which inadvertently contribute
to the spread of alien plants.
Eliminate land management practices which deliberately spread alien plants.
Develop attainable control strategies to reduce or eliminate alien plants
without causing disruption of ecosystem components and processes.
Incorporate surveys for new invaders, and monitor trends of established
Include all alien plant invaders as species of concern when analyzing impacts
of management activities and developing control programs. The narrow focus
on currently defined "noxious weeds" should be expanded to include all
alien species.
Provide funding and manpower for long-term programs of alien plant management,
including increased cooperation between agencies and the public.
Initiate further research into the causes and consequences of biological
invasions in the ICRB.
Many ecologists have expressed concern about invading plant taxa because
of their adverse environmental impacts (Soulé, 1990, Temple, 1990,
Bazzaz, 1986, Vitousek, 1986). There is interest on the part of the public
in these plants, as evidenced by the large number of popular books on weeds.
There is a concern by some personnel in various agencies to focus attention
on these important issues (USDI- BLM, 1994, Salwasser, 1989, Losensky,
Land management agencies have failed to address the causes of biological
invasions of alien plants and develop effective prevention and control
strategies. Plant invasions remain one of the most serious threats to the
long-term maintenance of regional biodiversity (Johnson et. al., 1994,
Clary and Medin, 1990). Severe costs-degradation or even destruction of
biological resources-have resulted from policies of nonaction and inappropriate
action (Cottam and Stewart, 1940). To be effective, policies need to be
based on an understanding of the biology of invading species and must place
higher priorities on prevention of new introductions and stopping the further
spread of invaders (Campbell, 1993).
This paper attempts to adhere to a consistent terminology (Bazzaz,
1986, Lincoln et. al., 1990). "Colonizing" species are those that have
recently entered unoccupied habitats, while "invaders" are those colonizers
that have gone on to displace native components or which have become dominant
in parts of their new environment. "Noxious weeds" are used with reference
to legally defined plant entities. "Alien" or "exotic" taxa refer to any
species generally viewed as non- native, on non-indigenous to new parts
of its present range, while "introduced" taxa will refer to those aliens
disseminated by man.
Effect of Alien Plants on Ecosystems in the ICRB
Alien plants alter ecosystem function and composition in several ways:
native species are displaced through competitive exclusion by invaders
(Thompson and Grime, 1979, Weaver et. al., 1989, Harris, 1967).
changes occur in the outputs of ecosystem processes (Hobbs and Huenneke,
1992), e. g., nutrient cycling (Vitousek, 1986), erosion (Lacey et. al.,
1989), disturbance frequency (Young and Evans, 1978), net primary productivity
(Vitousek, 1986, Nadelhoffer et. al., 1985), evapotranspiration (Kerpez
and Smith, 1987, Horton, 1977).
habitat for native organisms may be reduced or eliminated (Nee and May,
1992, Brothers and Spingarn, 1992).
food webs may be disrupted by elimination of important native primary producers
(Orians and Solbrig, 1977, Marks and Bormann, 1972) or replacement by maladaptive
herbivores (Edwards and Gillman, 1987, Daubenmire, 1940).
The following examples illustrate how plant invasions have recently altered
ecosystems in the Pacific Northwest:
Displacement of native plants and reduced plant diversity resulted following
entry of Centaurea maculosa (spotted knapweed) (Tyser and Key, 1988).
Increased surface runoff and sediment yield occurred in areas infested
with Centaurea maculosa (spotted knapweed) (Lacey et. al., 1989).
Interference by Cirsium vulgare (bull thistle) resulting in lowered growth
rate and survival of Pinus ponderosa in forest plantations (Randall and
Rejmánek, 1993).
Displacement of native bunchgrasses by Bromus tectorum (cheatgrass) following
fire (Melgoza et. al., 1990).
Bromus tectorum (cheatgrass) dominance caused permanent changes in fire
regime, increased frequency and severity of stand-destroying fires, eliminated
shrub cover, increased erosion, and lowered outputs of forage (Billings,
1983, Peters and Bunting, 1994, Humphrey, 1984, Young and Evans, 1976,
Harniss and Murray, 1973, Wright and Klemmedson, 1965).
Changes in uptake and cycling of soil nutrients have resulted from elimination
of cryptobiotic crusts, which accompany species changes resulting from
soil disturbance (Bolton et. al., 1993, Anderson et. al., 1982, Kleiner
and Harper, 1972).
Loss of species diversity occurred in timberline vegetation with exotic
invasion by Poa pratensis (Kentucky bluegrass) and Phleum pratense (timothy)
(Weaver et. al., 1989).
Steady increases in the spread of Acroptilon repens (Russian knapweed)
patches appear to be caused by allelopathy, or plant chemical defense (Kelsey
and Bedunah, 1989).
Reductions in survival and growth of Pinus lambertiana (sugar pine) seedlings
were correlated with reductions in the formation of beneficial ectomycorrhizal
fungi following seeding of the non- mycorrhizal grass Lolium multiflorum
(annual, or Italian rye) (Amaranthus and Perry, 1994).
Causes of Plant Invasions in the ICRB
Plant invasions are largely caused by human activities which disturb
native ecosystems (Sheley, 1994, USDI-BLM, 1994, Harrod, 1994). Vegetation
removal and ground disturbing activities create opportunities for colonization
by alien plants (Orians, 1986, Bazzaz, 1983). Transportation of alien plant
propagules is often accomplished through deliberate or inadvertent human
activities or the behavior of livestock (Guillerm 1991, Durgan, 1989).
On public lands, the primary activities which promote the spread of alien
plants are road building and road use, logging, grazing, forage seeding,
and some erosion control and fire rehabilitation measures (Saunders et.
al., 1991, Tyser and Worley, 1990, Wilcove, 1989, Le Houérou, 1987).
Consequences of Plant Invasions
Management activities associated with logging, roads, and grazing are
rapidly accelerating the rate of plant invasions on public lands in the
ICRB (Johnson et. al., 1994, Tyser and Worley, 1992, Scott et. al., 1988).
Infestations of noxious weeds (only a small subset of alien taxa) are doubling
every 5-6 years on BLM lands in the ICRB (USDI-BLM, 1994). A total of approximately
393 taxa have currently been identified as invaders within the North Cascades
and Columbia Basin (Wooten and Morrison, in prep.) These alien plants have
already lead to great resource damage resulting in considerable economic
costs (USDI-BLM, 1994, O'Toole, 1988). Alien plant invasion have led to
endangerment of native species and plant communities (Weaver et. al., 1989,
Chicoine et. al., 1988, Tyser and Key, 1988). Numerous cases exist where
environmental and legal thresholds for degradation and disturbance have
been exceeded (Penders, 1995, Warnock and Lewis, 1980). Public agencies
are unprepared to face coming land management challenges in this rapidly
changing field. Prevention of further spread into unroaded, unmanaged and
relatively pristine areas is critical to long-term conservation of ecosystem
resources, as these areas still retain undisturbed native flora and natural
resilience to management-induced disturbances (DeAngelis and Waterhouse,
1987, Johnson et. al., 1994, Hobbs and Huenneke, 1992, West, 1993, Wilson,
Environmental Effects of Weed Control with Herbicides
In 1989, a five year injunction against herbicide spraying by the Pacific
Northwest Region Forest Service was lifted after preparation of the Final
EIS and Accompanying Record of Decision on Managing Competing and Unwanted
Vegetation (Torrence, 1988), and the associated mediated agreement between
the USDA and plaintiffs Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides
(O'Brien, 1989), in which provisions for priority of prevention strategies
and use of herbicides only as a last resort, were stipulated along with
government requirements to perform site-specific analysis and monitoring.
The excessive reliance on chemical control measures commonly found in
federal land management policies has no place in an integrated weed management
strategy and sound ecosystem management. This emphasis also dominated the
scientific contract report on noxious rangeland weeds for the Interior
Columbia Basin Ecosystem Management Project (Sheley, 1994). This violates
both the letter and intent of the mediated agreement in which herbicide
use is to be used only as a last resort.
For years herbicides were widely used to control plant invasions. Adverse
environmental and human health effects associated with herbicide application
are becoming increasingly apparent (Feldman, 1991, Warnock and Lewis, 1980,
Katan and Eshel, 1973, Pimental, 1982), as in the following examples:
Much of our native fauna is threatened by the synergistic effects of synthetic
compounds on living estrogenic activity. These estrogenic compounds are
associated with many herbicides and pesticides (Guillette in press, Colburn
et al. 1993, Fox 1992).
Herbicide application is implicated as one of the causes in the global
decline of amphibian populations (Blaustein and Wake 1995).
Replacement of beneficial mycorrhizal flora and the iron chelators they
produce with allelopathic actinomycetes resulted in the conversion of productive
forestland to unforested openings (Perry and Amaranthus, 1994, Amaranthus
and Perry, 1987, Perry 1984).
Persistence of herbicides through soil and humus binding is unaccounted
for in most quantitative measurements of toxicity used to determine safe
exposure levels (Bordeleau and Bartha, 1971), and the possibility exists
that they may be released at unexpected times in the future (Pramer and
Bartha, 1980).
Transport of pesticides up food chains and concentration in lipid tissues
of secondary consumers can result in exposures to fish 49,000 times higher
than to target organisms (Reinert, 1967).
Destruction of plants seeds resulted in declines of nontarget gophers (Brown,
Destruction of nontarget plants resulted in lowered species richness and
replacement by introduced species following 2,4-D treatment of native Veratrum
californicum in an alpine plant community (Anderson and Thompson, 1993).
So-called "inert" ingredients laws allow the application of toxic compounds
such as kerosene, diesel fuel or fungicides to be used as 98% of a mixtures
application rate (Grier, 1994).
Surfactants in different commercial preparations of glyphosate result in
400-fold greater toxicity to sockeye salmon fry (Monroe, 1988).
Human and other nontarget mammalian effects are well-documented in all
herbicides used on public lands. Organ systems prone to suffer damage are
the nervous system, immune system, cellular respiration cycle, electron-transport
chain, cell membrane function and diverse oncogenic and teratogenic effects
(O'Brien, 1984).
As a result of chemical exposure, reproductive sterility has resulted in
females, reduced sperm counts has resulted in males (Sharpe and Skakkebaek,
1993) and birth defects have occurred in children (Kurzel and Cetrulo,
1981, Wilson, 1977).
The most comprehensive weed management plans still may cause irreversible
and irretrievable resource commitments, such as crop losses associated
with drift of supposedly non-toxic chlorosulfuron (Fletcher et. al., 1993)
or the 1995 herbicide spill resulting from the crash of an herbicide truck
into a creek (and release of herbicides into water) on the Okanogan National
Forest in Washington.
Environmental Effects of Integrated Weed Management
Biological controls are insects or pathogens that control populations
of undesirable species. Such pathogens may be natural components in the
original habitat of a weed, that are absent in the new environment. After
confirmation of specificity to target plants, biological controls have
resulted in spectacular effects on target organisms (Piper, 1984, Kelleher,
1984), as exemplified by the following example. Tansy ragwort (Senecio
jacobaea), a noxious weed affecting much of Oregon and Washington, has
been reduced to about 10% of mid-1970 infestation rates by a biological
control program. Benefits of the program, utilizing cinnabar moth, ragwort
seedhead fly and ragwort flea beetle, approximate $5 million annually,
a return on investment of 83%, a benefit-to-cost ratio of 13:1 (USDI-BLM,
Mechanical controls such as mowing are effective on obligate outbreeders
such as diffuse knapweed (Centaurea diffusa) when the treatment is timed
to preceed flowering (Harrod, 1991).
Manual controls are the most selective methods toward target organisms
and may be the only available method in certain situations, for example
wilderness, along riparian areas or in rocky areas.
Cultural controls that affect revegetation are important, and are often
specified in treatments. However the indiscriminate use of nonnative seeding
mixtures has resulted in great damages occurring as a result of treatment.
In Hell's Canyon RNA yellow star thistle (Centaurea solstitialis) was present
in a seed mix applied after the 1988 TeePee fire (Bob Williams - Wallowa
Whitman NF, personal communication) resulting in over $200,000 in ongoing
control costs. The regular seeding of strongly competitive and aggressive
alien grasses or clover following National Forest management causes dramatic
displacement of native vegetation (Ralphs and Busby, 1979).
Program Development and Cooperative Agreements
Each agency or jurisdiction in charge of maintaining land-based resources
needs to develop and maintain an alien plant program with funding and manpower
responsible for the prevention and control of invading species. Individual
programs should be designed to be compatible with ecosystem processes for
the particular area, and be specific to the invading plants and characteristic
causes of invasions for each area.
Cooperative agreements between private interests, non-governmental organizations,
federal, state and local governments should be encouraged in countering
the invasion of alien plants. Land managers, field personnel, ecologists,
botanists and biologists should be consulted about the nature and spread
of invading taxa, as well as invaded ecosystems. Public interest and environmental
groups should be allowed a chance to contribute. These groups can give
invaluable support and manpower in solutions to weed spread. Efforts should
be made to contact and educate all groups whose activities may increase
the spread of alien plants.
Information Gathering
Identification of the nature and extent of plant invasions in each
jurisdiction should be conducted by combining a review of known occurrences
with additional surveys for new invaders. Baseline monitoring data will
allow subsequent surveys to determine population trends, causative factors,
rate of spread, persistence and potential for further spread into adjacent
ecosystems. Review and amend lists of invading taxa and policies for their
prevention and control following analysis of this data.
Prevention Strategies
Prevention strategies should be stressed over control measures, as
control measures are futile once a certain population threshold is attained
in the invading species. Prevention should be based on prioritization of
areas based on a combination of ecosystem values and the threat of invasion
as follows:
Priority 1 are those areas with intact ecosystem processes, essentially
free of invaders. No management activities should be allowed which cause
deliberate or inadvertent introduction of alien plants. Management objectives
should put maintenance of unpolluted flora as a top priority.
Priority 2 are intact ecosystems which possess only a few invading taxa.
Invaders threaten the ecosystem, plant community structure or landscape-level
processes, but control efforts may be successful. No management activities
should be allowed which cause further introduction of alien plants. Management
objectives should emphasize environmentally benign but aggressive biological
and mechanical control measures to reduce or eliminate alien plant populations.
Priority 3 are intact native ecosystems which possess only a few invading
taxa that do not appear to threaten the ecosystem, but the spread of which
may still be worth controlling. No management activities should be allowed
which cause further introduction of alien plants. Management objectives
should emphasize environmentally benign biological and mechanical control
measures to reduce or eliminate alien plant populations.
Integrated Weed Management
Strategies for control are both more complicated and more costly. Control
is a treatment strategy-not a prevention strategy. In general, control
measures should be undertaken based on a prioritization procedure combining
nature, quantity and number of invading species, their potential for spread
to adjacent ecosystems, the nature of affected ecosystems, loss of values
because of their spread, and long-term costs of control. Strategies based
on these attributes are documented in USDI-BLM (1994), Harrod (1994), USDA
Forest Service (1990), Torrence (1988, and the associated mediated agreement)
and Hoglund et. al. (1991). Control strategies come under agency guidelines
for integrated weed management (IWM). IWM begins with information gathering,
surveying, and determination of a damage threshold (Hoglund, 1991). For
control measures, action strategies are then further developed that incorporate
education, prevention, mitigation, and control alternatives (USDI-BLM,
1994). Environmentally benign mechanical and biological control methods
should be used in almost all cases on public lands. Herbicide use should
be considered as a last resort only after biological consultation to ensure
no damage will occur to native flora and fauna and human health is not
endangered. All other measures must be exhausted before herbicide use is
Adaptive Management
Deleterious management practices that contribute to the spread of alien
taxa should be reexamined and revised. These would include seeding invasive
species, using contaminated seed mixes, feeding with contaminated grain,
transporting of weeds on stock, gear and clothing, and avoidable disturbances
to soil, water and nutrients. Some of these are ingrained practices that
will require infrastructure changes of land management agencies.
Further plant invasions caused by vegetation removal and ground disturbance
(e.g. roading, logging and grazing), can be prevented by restricting these
activities from intact native ecosystems (e.g. roadless areas and wilderness),
where the effects of man are still largely unfelt. These areas are the
highest priority for prevention strategies, and retain the last vestiges
of resiliency present in native ecosystems of the ICRB. There is little
moral or ethical ground for degrading these last remnants of pristine landscape.
In other areas where alien plants are already well established, there must
be some acceptance that biological invasions are often irreversible.
The need for management of invading plants requires a long-term commitment
to education and awareness of the nature and extent of this problem. Plant
and weed identification needs to be routine for land managers and should
also be available to the public. Signs, brochures, posters and news articles
offer a chance for communication about the problem. Workshops and classes
are recommended that bring interested people together in informative, problem-solving
There is an overwhelming need for more data on the ecology and biology
of plant invasions in the ICRB. Agencies and educational institutions need
to invest in research and methods that have the potential for solving the
problems of invading species. Through cooperative agreements, cost-sharing
and data-sharing, a better understanding of plant invasions will produce
more effective prevention strategies and control techniques. Affected ecosystem
components need to be studied, and at-risk ecosystems such as riparian
areas should receive high priority. Specific topics that deserve attention
include nutrient cycling, mycorrhizal connections, effects on wildlife,
effects on biodiversity, biological controls, cultural (ecological) controls,
research on target-specific or non-toxic herbicides, mechanisms of spread,
genetics and reproductive biology of invading species, and the effects
of varying the nature, severity and kind of causative disturbances.
Numerous federal laws, regulations and policies have been established
that address management of plant invaders on public lands. Designated "noxious
weeds" receive individual consideration through several of these policies.
A recent USDI publication (US Department of the Interior, BLM, 1994, Appendix
2), lists those laws pertaining to the agency's role in their management,
and includes brief interpretations of the intent of those laws:
Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA) of 1976. Directs the BLM
to ‘take any action necessary to prevent unnecessary and or undue degradation
of the public lands.’
Public Rangelands Improvement Act (PRIA) of 1978. Requires that BLM will
manage, maintain and improve the condition of the public rangelands so
that they become as productive as feasible.
Carlson-Foley Act of 1968. Directs agency heads to enter upon lands under
their jurisdiction with noxious plants and destroy noxious plants growing
on such land.
Federal Noxious Weed Act of 1974, as amended by Sec. 15, Management of
Undesirable Plants on Federal Lands, 1990. Authorizes the Secretary ‘to
cooperate with other federal and state agencies, and others in carrying
out operations or measures to eradicate, suppress, control or prevent or
retard the spread of any noxious weed. Each Federal agency shall 1) designate
an office or person adequately trained to develop and coordinate an undesirable
plants management program for control of undesirable plants on federal
lands under the agency's jurisdiction, 2) establish and adequately fund
an undesirable plants management program through the agency's budgetary
process, 3) complete and implement cooperative agreements with State agencies
regarding the management of undesirable plant species on federal lands,
and 4) establish integrated management systems to control or contain undesirable
plant species targeted under cooperative agreements.’
BLM Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for Noxious Weeds
(1987). Declares that the BLM has the statutory duty to control and eradicate
noxious weeds on public lands.
BLM Departmental Manual 517. Prescribes policy for the use of pesticides
on the lands and waters under the jurisdiction of the BLM and for compliance
with the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act, as amended.
BLM Departmental Manual 609. Prescribes policy to control undesirable or
noxious weeds on the lands, waters, or facilities under the jurisdiction
of the BLM, to the extent economically practicable and as needed for resource
protection and accomplishment of resource management objectives.
BLM Manual 9011. Provides policy for conducting chemical pest control programs
under an integrated pest management approach.
BLM Manual 9014. Provides guidance and procedures for planning and implementing
biological control in Integrated Pest Management Programs.
BLM Manual 9015. Provides policy relating to the management and coordination
of noxious weed activities among the BLM, organizations and individuals.
BLM Manual 9220. Provides guidance for implementing integrated pest management
on lands administered by the BLM. The objective is to ensure optimal pest
management with respect to environmental concerns, biological, effectiveness,
and economic efficiency while achieving resource management objectives.
Additional policies are directed toward other federal or state agencies
(Hoglund et. al., 1991):
The National Environmental Act (NEPA) of 1969. (Sec. 102(C)(v)). Planners
are required to describe any ‘irreversible and irretrievable commitments
of resources.’ Most biological invasions are nearly irreversible and any
actions which may promote the spread of alien plants can be viewed as an
irretrievable commitment of resources.
National Forest Management Act of 1976. (Sec. 6, 90 Stat. 2949). The principal
legislative mandate directing the conservation of biological diversity
and recognizing the value of adapted plant and animal communities. This
legislation also prohibits stand conversions, the process of management-induced
irreversible change from one ecosystem to another. The inadvertent or deliberate
conversion of a plant community dominated by natives to one dominated by
aliens can be viewed as a stand conversion.
Code of Federal Regulations, Title 36, Part 219, Section 27, Subsection
G. ‘Management prescriptions, where appropriate and to the extent practicable,
shall preserve and enhance the diversity of plant and animal communities,
including endemics and desirable naturalized plant and animal species,
so that it is at least as great as that which would be expected in a natural
forest and the diversity of tree species similar to that existing in the
planning area. Reductions in diversity of plant and animal species from
that which would be expected in a natural forest, or from that similar
to the existing diversity in the planning area, may be prescribed only
where needed to meet overall multiple-use objectives. Planned site conversion
shall be justified by an analysis showing biological, economic, social,
and environmental design consequences, and the relation of such conversions
to the process of natural change.’
Forest Pest Management, 1990. A Guide to Conducting Vegetation Management
Projects in the Pacific Northwest Region. USDA-FS, PNW Region.
Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides, et. al. v. Clayton
Yeutter, et. al. Civil No. 83-6272-E-BU, (U.S.D.C. Oregon) Stipulated Order
of May 24, 1989 (here referred to as the mediated agreement).
Managing Competing and Unwanted Vegetation, Final EIS and Accompanying
Record of Decision, USDA-FS, PNW Region, Portland, OR. (Torrence, 1988).
Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies, 1994, Presidential
direction to use regionally native plants for landscaping and construction.
WAC 16-750 State Noxious Weed List and Schedule of Monetary Penalties.
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