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The Kettle Range Conservation Group is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit, community charity founded in 1976.

Our mission is to defend wilderness, protect biodiversity, and restore ecosystems of the Columbia River Basin.

The goals of the Kettle Range Conservation Group are to preserve federal and state roadless areas to protect critical habitat for native terrestrial and aquatic species, and to safeguard resources of clean water, outdoor recreation and natural scenic beauty. We work with rural, urban, business, government and community leaders, taking a collaborative approach to natural resource sustainability and preservation. Specifically our goals are to:

  • Keep public lands in public hands
  • Preserve roadless public forest areas 1,000 acres and larger
  • Advocate for additions to and safeguard the National Wilderness Preservation System
  • Work with groups and individuals across political and ideological boundaries to build strong, sustainable rural and urban communities
  • Educate the public to protect clean water and restore ecosystems of the Columbia River Basin
  • Safeguard old growth forests, wild rivers, and other habitat critical to the survival of endangered species